There is not a day that goes by that we don't think about you, or talk about you. We are wondering what our life will be like when you are here! We want you to come quickly, but there is nothing else we can do now, except wait. We are expecting to have to wait for another year before we are introduced to you. The idea that we still have to wait so long is difficult for us sometimes, but we know that God is in control, and when the time is right, you will come home to us.
We pray for your birth parents on a regular basis, that they will take care of you to the best of their ability, we also pray for the people who will take care of you while you are waiting for us to come to get you. We pray that you will know that you are loved even from the very moment that you are conceived. We love you already and we can hardly wait for you to come home.
You were thought of and talked about a lot during the Christmas holidays, and you were even given presents.
Gram Gram gave you a book called "The Little Moose", and she also gave you two stuffed animals, one small soft smushy one and one that is really funny - his body is a spring.
Your Uncle Tim and Auntie Charleen gave us a pattern to make a quilt for you.
Your Grandma and Grandpa Seguin bought you a stuffed moose - he has a great beard!